Advertising Producers Association Bylaws
The Advertising Producers Association (RY), which aims to raise the standards in the industry by preparing the common ground for sharing information, experience and ideas for advertising, was established in 2006.
Section I
Name of the Association:
Article 1 - The Association called "Advertising Producers Association" was founded.
Headquarters of the Association:
Article 2 - Headquarters of the Association is in Istanbul.
Goals and Objectives of the Association; Achieving These Goals and Objectives:
Article 3 - The activities and services of the association will be in accordance with the conditions and necessities: In areas where professional organizations representing Advertisers, Association of Advertisers, Advertising Agencies and Advertising Channels are present and operate effectively, the role of the Advertising Producers Association is to carry on works hold up as an example of its the high standards and principles to encourage its members, and to cooperate with organizations. In cases where such specialized organizations are not available or operate effectively, Advertising Producers Association also provides services as referee, conciliator and consultant on commercial and social roles of commercial filmmaking. The role of the association and the services it provides can be more explanatory in the following titles.SECTION II
Aims and goals:
1. To facilitate the opportunity to share information, experience and thoughts among the members in order to increase the personal competence of each member and to further develop their competence. 2. In cooperation with other organizations, to improve advertisement film production standards and practices and to enable the whole advertising industry to benefit from these improvements. 3. To start studies of analysis and analysis where new trends, opportunities, techniques and methods require research.Professional Practices:
4. To encourage compliance with the International Advertising Practice Guidelines and the Advertising Self-Regulatory Board. 5. To ensure communication, information exchange and to ensure the common usage of experience shared, between members and related persons in society through various working meetings such as forums, seminars and conferences in the country regarding the issues related to advertising production; to attend such international meetings, to participate in federations, confederations and platforms that are established for the purpose of developing and considering advertising as an institution. 6. To encourage young people to be interested in the production profession. 7. To assist in education, training, and information about making commercials. 8. To provide useful news and information to members, preparing newsletters. Responsibilities to the Society and Consumers: 9. To determine the principles, standards and intellectual rights in advertisement film production with the advertising agencies to act responsibly to the consumer, and make recommendations and suggestions on related issues. 10. To examine the communication needs related to social and institutional issues, and to cooperate with the media to carry out these issues when necessary.As a referee and conciliator:
11. To establish a common attitude in order to make advertising profession gain the prestige it deserves and to protect this reputation, and to be a professional spokesperson in related to unfair offenses against advertising and/or when restrictive trends or legal regulations arise; to file suits to protect its member’s common interests, in behalf of them. 12. To establish forums where Advertisers, Advertising Agencies, Production Houses and Advertising Media Representatives can meet in neutral environments and discuss their common problems, or to participate in such forums held by others.In Relations with Public Institutions:
13. To develop and present effective cooperation and connection proposals in between the officials and institutions, and to carry out joint projects in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organizations, and in order to increase the opinions and knowledge about the role of advertisement filmmaking. 14. To offer suggestions for cooperation and relationships with relevant authorities and institutions in all aspects regarding taxation related to advertising production, RTÜK advertising principles, copyrights, supervision of advertisements, and similar expertise issues.In addition to these, in order to achieve the goals stated above, the association can or will:
15. Regularly monitor and examine domestic and foreign commercial films professionally; prepare comments and reports, and submit them to the public and public institutions. 16. Publish, distribute and archive magazines, books, films, CDs and similar works to develop advertising productions, organize exhibitions, open contests, and can publish online. 17. Buy immovable property, put an obligation on it, sell more than it needs, and accept conditional and unconditional donations and wills from home and abroad. 18. Regulate the duties, authorities and responsibilities of bodies, co-execution, strengthen and discipline of solidarity among the members, implement the budgets and the programs that are put into effect, prepare regulations and directives on the subjects of rules, social benefits and advertisement productions that will be applied in collecting income and making expenses, provided that it is approved by the General Board.SECTION III
Advertising Producers Association can;
19. Participate in foundations that are established and will be established that aim to operate in all aspects of commercial communication, especially vocational education and research in the field of commercial film production, 20. Form platforms to achieve a common purpose with the associations or foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations that are related to the purpose of the Association, with the decision of the Board of Directors, 21. Participate in the expenses of the platform, and can be in mutual financial assistance with other members. Regarding the platform activities, it can generate income or donations from third parties, 22. In accordance with the 5th, 10th and 21st Articles of the Associations Law, the Association can join or find associations, unions, federations, confederations etc. abroad, related to its field of study. The Association can collaborate with them. It can open representative offices, branches at home and abroad, and provide mutual financial assistance with these members or affiliated organizations, 23. The Association can open a social club and social facilities for its members and furnish them. 24. The Association can set up a charity fund for its members.Association Membership
Article 4 - Real persons and legal entities can become members of the Advertising Producers Association. There are three kinds of memberships as in Full Membership, Preliminary Membership and Honorary Membership.a) Requirements for the membership of legal entities are as follows:
1) They should be founded in Turkey and should be producing advertising films for at least 1 year, or the founders should have at least 3 years of vocal experience in advertising production, 2) They should have a partnership relationship with any Advertiser, Advertising Agency or Advertising Media Establishments, 3) They should be accepted by the Board of Directors that they are sufficient in the eyes of their colleagues and they are able to produce a commercial film on a national scale. 4) The Legal Entity Board of Directors will decide regarding the application to the membership.b) Requirements for the membership of real persons are as follows:
1) They should have worked for at least 1 year in institutions or organizations with the qualifications above, 2) They should be a shareholder, or a member of the Board of Directors/Board of Managers, or a senior manager with authority to sign in the production house they work, or have documentation that they are an authorized producer by the persons above, 3) Their main profession should be advertising producer, 4) They should have contractual capacity, 5) They should not have been convicted of a disgraceful offense, 6) They should have prepared all the documents required for membership. The appointed representative uses the legal entity’s membership rights. This representative may be the Chairman of the Board, or employees whose main profession is advertising film production who have at least 1 year of professional experience. When the presidential or representative duty of this person ends, a legal entity representative will be determined again. The real person or legal entity with the qualifications above will inform that they have adopted the goals and objectives of the Association and that they are has liable for the membership subscription fee. Along with the Board of Directors, upon the proposal of three Association members from three separate production houses, the Board of Directors approves the new membership by majority vote. The Board of Directors will decide on the membership applications within 30 days at the latest. Although the necessary requirements for the membership are met, the Association cannot be forced to approve the real persons or legal entities as a member. Those, whose membership has expired due to the conditions listed in the 5th Article, may apply for re-membership. This application is evaluated by the regular membership procedure, in terms of whether the requirements met for the member and/or production house. If the current members of the Association establish a new production house, the 1-year of experience is not required.Preliminary Membership
Real persons who work in a production house with the qualifications mentioned in the Principle Membership, whose total professional experience has not completed 1 year can be admitted to the preliminary membership and by the majority vote of the Board of Directors, become a preliminary member. The preliminary members, who have completed their professional experience of 1 year, are appointed as the full members with the decision of the Board of Directors. The preliminary members pay the preliminary membership fee, which is half of principle members' entrance fee to the Association and of the annual payments; they use all the rights of the full members, with the exception of their right to elect and to be elected. They are not on the Advertising Producers Association's members list. They participate the General Assembly Meetings as guests. Full members have equal rights in The Association and in related activities. Full members are consisted of Founding Members and those approved as the member of The Association.Honorary Membership
The Board of Directors can accept members, who left the profession of production and those who contribute the Association to achieve its goals, as Honorary Members. The ex-chairmen of the Association who has left the profession of production may be given the title of "Honorary President" with the decision of the General Board, in regard to their contributions in the development and success of the Association.SECTION IV
Leaving, Dismissal and Termination of Memberships:
Article 5 - No one can be forced to become a member of the Association, can be forced to remain a member of the Association, and every member has the right to resign with a written petition. All the Association members have equal rights recognized by legislation. Each member has one vote in the General Assembly and will use it in person. Those who do not comply with the following conditions may be put on notice or can be dismissed from membership in accordance to their actions, with the opinion of the Disciplinary Board and the decision of the Board of Directors. The decision to terminate cannot be challenged claiming the reasons are not justified. 1) Those who do not comply with the General Board and Board of Management decisions; 2) Those who cause financial and moral losses of the Association, those who put the Association under obligation without authorization; 3) Those who publish or broadcast any adverse opinions against The Association, 4) Those who make written and verbal statements about their colleagues in violation of their personal rights; 5) Those convicted of a disgraceful offense, those who lost their appeal power; 6) Those who do not comply with the decisions made by the self-regulatory bodies, in accordance with the advertising moral laws and implementation principles, specified in the bylaws; 7) Members who do not pay the annual membership fee determined on the time of payment will be dismissed from the membership of The Association with the decision of the Board of Directors. If they apply to become a member again, they will not be admitted unless they pay their debts with the rediscount interest, starting from the day of the initial payment. The memberships and membership fees of our members who are unable to practice the profession due to unforeseen reasons (such as health problems, accidents) can be removed with the decision of the Board of Directors. Article 7 is not applicable in this situation. Those who leave or who are dismissed from The Association will be deleted from the member registry and cannot claim any rights on the Association's property.Changing Ad Production House:
Article 6 - In case of a member changing the production house they work, actions will be taken according to the following provisions. 1) In the event that the member or the production house they work for does not have the qualifications required, or if they quit practicing the advertising production profession, the membership will terminated automatically. The situations above are determined by the Board of Directors and announced to the related parties. 2) If a member starts working in a production house that does not have The Association membership conditions, their membership will continue for another year. During this period, the necessary professional support will be provided by the Association to improve the institutional qualities of the production house, to meet the goals and membership conditions of the Association. At the end of this period, if the required improvement criterion is not met, the membership of the member ends regarding the decision of the Board of Directors.Bodies of the Association:
Article 7 - Bodies of the Association is as follows: 1) General Board 2) Board of Management 3) Board of Supervisors 4) Disciplinary BoardSECTION V
Establishment of the General Board:
Article 8 - The Association General Board are consisted of full members. Preliminary Members and Honorary Members can participate meetings without the right to vote.Invitation to Stated Meetings and Quorum of Meeting:
Article 9 - General Board assembles every two years in January at the place determined by Board of Management. The place that General Board meeting are held can be in a different city then headquarters. The Board of Management regulates the list of members entitled to participate in the General Board, according to The Association Bylaws. Members who have the right to participate in General Board are invited to the meeting at least fifteen days in advance, by announcing the day, time, place and agenda in a newspaper, or by written document or electronic mail. General Board assembles with the absolute majority of the members during the stated meetings, and in case of the changes to bylaws and the termination of the Association, two thirds of the members are adequate; if the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, the majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the number of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors. The General Board meeting cannot be postponed more than once. Voting and Decision Making Procedures and Forms of the General Board If no decision against is taken about the issue in the General Assembly, the elections of the members of the board of directors and auditors will be secret ballot, and decisions on other issues will be open vote. The secret votes are the papers or ballot papers sealed by the chairman of the meeting that are thrown in an empty container by the members after they vote, and collected afterwards for open counting. In open voting, the method specified by the chairman of the General Board is applied. General Assembly decisions are taken with the absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. As far as the amendments to day, the changes to bylaws and the termination of the Association can only be made with the two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting. Decisions taken without meetings or invitations The decisions taken with the written participation of all members without a meeting, and the decisions taken by all members of the Association without conforming to the call procedure written in these bylaws are valid. This way of decision-making does not replace stated meetings.Extraordinary Meeting:
Article 10 - When deemed necessary by the Board of Directors and Supervisors, the General Board meets extraordinarily, or upon the written request of one fifth of the Association members.Procedure for the Meeting:
Article 11 - Members who will attend the General Assembly enter the meeting place by signing their names in the list organized by the Board of Management. Those who are in debt to the Association cannot attend the General Board meeting. If the quorum is achieved, it will be determined in an official report, and the Chairman of the Board of Management or one of the Board of Management members he will appoint opens the meeting. After the meeting is opened, meeting a chairman, two deputy chairs and two secretaries are elected to manage the meeting. The management of the meeting belongs to the General Board Chairman. The minutes of the meeting are prepared by the secretaries, signed by the Board Presidency Committee, and delivered to the Board of Management at the end of the meeting.Majority Required to Take Decisions:
Article 12 - General Board decisions are taken with the absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. In case of Bylaws Amendments and the termination of The Association, decision can be made with a two-thirds majority of the members in the meeting.Bylaws Amendment:
Article 13 - The bylaws can be changed upon the proposal of the General Board, Board of Management or one fifth of the members. The bylaws may be amended provided that it is on the stated or extraordinary meeting agendas, and the members are notified in writing, together with their justifications, beforehand.Topics to be Discussed in a Meeting:
Article 14 – In General Assembly, only issues on the agenda can be discussed. It is obligatory to put the topics in the agenda during the meeting, which are requested to be discussed by at least one tenth of the members present.Duties and Authority of the General Board:
Article 15 - In general, the Association determines its bodies and does anything that is not a body’s responsibility. The General Board supervises other bodies of the Association, and due to acts against to Associations Law and other legislations, Bylaws of the Association and its articles, it can dismiss them.The issues written below are also discussed and resolved by the General Board:
1) Election of The Association's bodies among the full members, 2) Discussing and accepting the budget prepared by the Board of Management, as is or with changes, 3) Discussion of the reports of the Boards of Directors and Supervisors, exculpation of Board of Management and Board of Supervisors, 4) Changing the Association Bylaws, 5) Authorization of the Board of Management to purchase the necessary immovable property to the Association or to sell existing immovable property, 6) Termination of the Association, 7) Determining the amounts of the annual membership fee and the entry fee, and their payment methods, 8) Establishing polls for the Association members, 9) Opening a social club for members of the Association, 10) Opening branches and representative offices at home and abroad, and authorizing the Board of Management in this regard, 11) Examination of the regulations to be prepared by the Board of Management regarding the Association's works, acceptance of them as is or with changes, 12) Determination of the salaries to be paid to the Chairman and members of the Association's Board of Directors and Supervisory Boards who are not public officers, determining all kinds of allowances, provisions and compensations, per-diems and travel expenses for the members of the Association, 13) Establishing a foundation for the Association, 14) Establishment of Advertising Producers Association Economic Enterprise, 15) Performing other General Board duties indicated in the legislation, and The Association Bylaws.Notification of the Elected Bodies to the Administration:
Article 16 - The full and substitute members elected to the Board of Management, Board of Supervisors and other bodies of The Association will be notified in writing, to the administration within thirty days following the General Board. Changes in the bodies of the Association and the residence are also subject to the same procedure.SECTION VI
Establishment of the Board of Management:
Article 17 - The Board of Management is elected by the General Board among members, including seven full and seven substitute members, for a period of 1 year, by secret ballot and open classification.Duties of Board of Management:
Article 18 - The members elected to the Board of Management gather three days the least, after the General Board meeting and elect a President, a General Secretary and an Accountant, by absolute majority. Board of Management meets at least once a month. The place, day and hour of the meeting will be notified to Board of Management members two days before by fax, e-mail or letter. The member, who does not come to the Board of Management Meeting three times in a row without any excuses, is deemed to have been dismissed by the decision of the Board of Management. Instead of the members who leave the Board of Management, substitute members are invited, according to the vote they got in the General Board. If the number of Board of Management members drops less than half the total number of members after the substitute members are brought in, the General Board is called for a meeting within one month by existing Board of Management members or the Supervisory Board. If the call is not made, upon the application of one of the members of The Association, the local magistrate judge will hold a hearing and appoint three people among the members of the Association, to gather the General Board within one month.Duties of Board of Management:
Article 19 – Here are the duties of the Board of Management: 1) To fulfil decisions of the General Board within the purpose of the Association and its framework, 2) To represent the Association, or to authorize one or more of its members on this issue, to establish auxiliary boards, to determine their duties and powers, 3) To make transactions regarding The Association's income and expense accounts, and to prepare the budget for the next period and submit it to the General Board, 4) Deciding on the acceptance of donations from domestic and abroad, from real persons and legal entities, 5) Although it does not have a separate legal entity, to make transactions regarding the income and expense accounts of the Advertising Producers Association Economic Enterprise, which is considered as the Corporate Tax payer, 6) To decide on the Association's international activities and cooperation, to decide on becoming a member or leaving associations or organizations established abroad, 7) To choose the responsible manager of The Association’s social facilities or club, which was opened with the decision of the General Board, and to prepare the Facility Rules, 8) Conducting the works in item 4 of Article 3 and creating a platform in accordance with item 21, and deciding on the Board of Management members to be assigned in the executive boards of these platforms, 9) Upon the opinion from the Central Supervision and Disciplinary Boards, to dismiss the Branch Boards of Directors and to dismiss them from membership, 10) To do other duties given by the regulations and the Association Bylaws, and to use its powers accordingly.Establishment of the Board of Supervisors:
Article 20 - The Board of Supervisors is elected by the General Board among members, including three full and three substitute members, for a period of 1 year, by secret ballot and open classification.Duties of the Board of Supervisors:
Article 21 - Board of Supervisors audits whether the Association operates in line in line with the purpose set out in its bylaws, and the work subjects stated to be pursued to achieve its goals, and whether the books, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the regulations and the Association's bylaws. Upon the request of Board of Supervisors members, it is obligatory to show or give any information, documents and records by the Association officials, and to fulfil the request to enter management locations, institutions and their annexes.Internal Audit of the Association:
Article 22 - Internal audits of the Association can be carried out by General Board, Board of Management or Board of Supervisors as well as an independent Board of Supervisors. Carrying out audits by General Board, Board of Management or by an independent Board of Supervisors does not remove the obligation of Board of Supervisors. Board of Supervisors meets at least once a month and submits the audit results held according to 21th Article to the Board of Management at least once every six months, and to the General Board when they assemble. When necessary, they can call the General Board to an extraordinary (emergency) meeting.Disciplinary Board:
Article 23 - To resolve conflicts that may arise between the Association members or The Association and its members, and to give opinion to dismissal from the Association if necessary, a five-person Disciplinary Board is established for a year. Disciplinary Board consists of four full members, elected by the General Board and chaired by the General Secretary by open ballot. One of the four full members is selected amongst the full members of the Board of Supervisors. In the case of there is an opening on the full members, four substitute members are selected to fill their places. One of the substitute members should be elected from the Board of Supervisors’ full members.SECTION VII
Establishment of Branch Offices:
Article 24 - In the event that the General Board decides to open a branch, a founding board of at least three people authorised by the Board of Management of the Association, should submit a written notification and provide necessary information to the senior administrative chief of the new branch location.Bodies of Branch Offices:
Article 25 - Bodies of the Branch Offices consist of General Board of the Branch, Management Board of the Branch and Board of Supervisors of the Branch.Duties and Authority of the Branch Offices:
Article 26 - Duties and Authority of the Branch Offices are as follows:Branch General Board
Branches are the internal bodies of the Association reside in a different building. Branch decisions not approved by the Headquarters Board of Management do not constitute criminal and financial responsibility for the Association headquarters. Branch General Board consists of all members registered at that branch. Branch General Boards must complete the usual General Board meeting two months before the Association’s General Board meeting. Branches perform their ordinary General Assembly once a year, in September, upon Branch Board of Management’s call and they subject to the same form and conditions as the Headquarters General Board. Branches are obliged to notify General Board with a copy of the issues and final decisions of the meeting, to the local authority and the Association headquarters within 30 days of the meeting. Branch members have equal rights and authority with the Headquarter members. Branch General Board selects the Branch Management Board and Branch Supervision Board. The election is made by secret ballot and open classification. The number of votes determines full and substitute members.Branch Management Board
The Branch General Board elects five full and five substitute members to the Branch Board of Management. Branch Board of Management chooses a chairman, a general secretary and a treasurer among its members. Although the Headquarter General Board has authorized the Association, branches opened by the headquarters Board of Management hold their own General Board meetings within six months at the latest. Branch Board of Management meets at least once a month. Branch Boards of Directors perform all their work in accordance with the bylaws, along with Headquarter General Board and Board of Management decisions. Branch Board of Management members vote on behalf of the branch at The Association Headquarter General Board.Branch Supervisory Board
Branch Supervisory Board consists of three full and three substitute members. The authority of the Branch Supervisory Board is limited to the issues of the branch. Headquarters Supervisory Board monitors budget practices and expenditures of branches every six months. When those who are in the Branch Board of Managers or Branch Board of Supervisors are selected to the Headquarters General Board or Board of Supervisors, they resign from their duties in the branch.Opening a Representation Office:
Article 27 - The Association may open a representative office with the Board of Management decision, where it deems necessary to carry out the activities of the Association. The address of the representative office is notified in writing to the administrative authority of that place, by the person or persons appointed as representative by the Board of Management. Representation is not represented on the Association General Board. Branches cannot open representative offices.The Association’s Revenues and Financial Provisions:
Article 28 - The Association’s revenues are as follows: a) Entry fee: Whether it is a real person or a legal entity, an entry fee is collected from each person who is a member of the Association, for only once. Changing only the commercial title, with or without change in the share structure, does not require the member to pay the payment again. The entrance fee is equal whether they are a real person or a legal entity. The entrance fee for the association is 350 YTL for 2005. The preliminary members pay half of this amount. When they become a preliminary member, they will pay half the amount of the entrance fee effective on that date. If the production house has a single member in the Association, then an entrance fee is taken from the second candidate who wants to become a member. If members change, no entry fee will be charged again. b) Annual Membership Fee: It is equal whether they are a real person or a legal entity. The Association monthly membership fee is 100 YTL for 2005, and this amount is fixed until the first General Board is made. The members who wish can pay the annual fee wholesale. Preliminary members pay half of their annual payment. When they become a full member, they pay the total amount of annual fee. c) Entry and annual fee amounts and forms of payment, are decided by the General Board each year. d) Other revenues: (1) Revenues from The Association publications, research conducted or done by the Association in order to inform the members of the communication sector and to increase their professional competencies along with the distribution of information provided from other sources, and using these revenues to organize and participate in competitions, lotteries, proms, entertainment events, theatres or shows, concerts, sports competitions, conferences etc. (2) Income and interests from the Association’s cash, securities and assets. (3) Conditional and unconditional donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on fundraising. (4) Income from the Association, foundations, unions and similar organizations and third parties related to the activities due to the aids to be obtained in accordance with the 10th Article of The Association's Law, and the platform works created in accordance with the 25th Article. (5) The Once a year, to cover The Association's general expenses, 10% of member payments collected by branches are transferred to the Association Headquarters accounts. e) Even if it is not in the budget, Board of Management can decide to get into debt in order to realize its purposes and to carry out its activities. This debt can be the purchase of goods and services b loans, or by cash. However this debt cannot be in the amounts that cannot be paid back with the Association’s sources of income and in a way to put the Association in financial difficulty.Receipts and Expenditure Documents:
Article 29 - Board of Management collects all revenues with a “receipt document” and makes expenses with an “expenditure document”. Receipt documents are printed in accordance with The Association's Bylaws and by the decision of the Board of Management. The receipt contains the clear identity and signature of the grantor. Board of Management decides and specifies the people who will collect donations and payments. A certificate of authority is issued for them, and this decision is registered with the administrative chief.Decision Making Procedure:
Article 30 - Bu In cases where there are no other provisions in this bylaws, all bodies of the Association are gathered with absolute majority, decisions are made with the absolute majority of the participants. In case the votes are equal, the side that Chairman voted for provides the majority.Responsibility:
Article 31 - The Board of Management, which does not pay due attention to the protection of the Association's money acting in violation of the Associations Law and other laws, and The Association Bylaws and lower-level directives, and the Supervisory Board, which is responsible for the task of supervising it, but does not take necessary measures to prevent and compensate this, are successively responsible for the damages. The recourse right of the payer(s) to the defective member is reserved.SECTION VIII
Books to be Kept by the Association:
Article 32 - Regarding the books and records to be kept by the Association, the relevant regulation provisions are applied. These books must be approved by The Association's Office or notary.Termination of the Association:
Article 33 - The Association General Board can always decide to terminate the Association. In order to decide for termination, at least two thirds of the members who have the right to attend the General Board must be present in the meeting. In case there is no majority, the second meeting is held by acting in accordance with Article 9 and the following related Articles. Majority is not required in the second meeting. Decisions on termination are made by a two-thirds majority of the members present. The Association's termination should be notified by the Board of Management to the authoritative chief in five days.Liquidation:
Article 34 - In case of termination of the Association, all of its assets are transferred to another association/foundation operating in the same area, or to the Turkish Education Foundation.Missing Provisions:
Article 35 - In cases not specified in these Bylaws; the provisions of the Associations Law and the Turkish Civil Code, and the Associations Regulation and other related legislations which are issued with reference to these laws, are applicable.Founding Members of the Association:
Article 36 – Names, surnames, profession and arts, nationality and residences of the founding members of the Association are as follows: Name/Surname Profession/Art Nationality Residence 1. Bahadır O. Arlıel Film Producer TC 1. Cadde A Kapısı No: B-139 Acarkent - İstanbul 2. C.Aliye Rooijmans Film Producer TC Enver Paşa Korusu 1/1 Ulus-İstanbul 3. Ufuk Ahıska Film Producer TC Dildar Sok. No:22 Kat:2 Büyükdere- Sarıyer - İstanbul 4. Ahmet Erülgen Film Producer TC Esenler Sok. Akın Yuvam Sitesi E1 Blok D:1 Fulya-İstanbul 5. Oğuz Peri Film Producer TC Koza Sitesi 20. Blok D:1 4. Levent -İstanbul 6. Elvan Duruman Film Producer TC Dellalzade Sok. No:12 Balmumcu – Ortaköy – İstanbul 7. A.Tunay Vural Film Producer TC İnşirah Sok. No:35 D:4 Bebek –İstanbul 8. Diloy Gülün Film Producer TC Fenerlibostan Sokak No:3 Rumelihisarı -İstanbulProvisional Article 1 - The Board of Directors of the Association consists of the persons named below until the first General Board Meeting is held.
Chairman : Ahmet Erülgen Secretary General : Bahadır O. Arlıel Treasure : Oğuz Peri Member : A. Tunay Vural Member : C. Aliye Rooijmans Member : Diloy Gülün Member : Ufuk AhıskaProvisional Article 2 - The Board of Supervisors of the Association consists of the persons named below until the first General Board
Meeting is held. 1. Ümit Güney 2. Figen Korkut 3. Ufuk Köksal These bylaws consist of 36 (thirty six) Articles and 2 (two) Provisional Articles.
The Advertising Producers Association (RY)
Özde Alpman